15th May 2022
Bringing the magic of film to audience with visual impairment in Tibet
A project named "Ever Shining Cinema" has been initiated to interpret movies for people with visual impairment through dubbing.
Thanks to the public-service project, the film about Ne Zha, a devil born into a loving family and eventually emerging as a hero, can find its way into a special-education school in Lhasa, SW China's Tibet.
In 2019, the "Ever Shining Cinema" project brought a barrier-free movie to Tibet for the first time.
By the end of 2021, the project had produced 416 barrier-free movies and one barrier-free TV series and held 254 public welfare screenings nationwide.
The Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled came into force in China on May 5.
The treaty aims to eliminate copyright-related obstacles for print-disabled people in obtaining works. Experts believe it will create a broader space for the production and dissemination of barrier-free films and television dramas in China.