16th August 2022
Generations of writers overcome difficulties to bring new visions to the world
The ability to read is only a means, not an end, for the visually impaired, who want to write down their thoughts and express their ideas, according to a senior ophthalmologist.
Tao Yong, director of the ophthalmology department at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said visually impaired people often react slowly to the outside world because they cannot see clearly.
This gives many people the wrong impression that the visually impaired are dull and slow to think, but this is not the case.
"Visual impairment does not affect intelligence. On the contrary, visually impaired people are better than others at concentrating on the job they are doing," Tao said.
"A visually impaired person who is properly educated can create artistic works that are not inferior to those made by a sighted colleague."
This is why, over the centuries, a succession of blind writers has emerged.